Friday, December 21, 2012


If you like walking, then this is a great place to climb. One side is easy but the other is quite challenging. The views from the top are breath taking.

Well worth a visit but you might want to steer clear on 21/12/12

THERE are now more journalists than inhabitants in Bugarach, Aude, the village predicted to be the only place that will be spared in tomorrow’s apocalypse. 

In all, 254 journalists from all over the world have been accredited to cover the village of 200 inhabitants in the run-up to December 21, the date when internet-fuelled New Age rumours claim the world will end. The date is said to correspond to the end of the current era in the ancient Mayan calendar. 

There are also around 100 gendarmes patrolling the streets and blocking off the mountain top of the Pic de Bugarach which is a focus of interest. Some believers claim there is an alien spacecraft under it. Police potholers have been checking out caves under it which will also be kept under guard. 

Major security measures are in place around a perimeter including three other villages, with road checkpoints, a security headquarters, a team of counsellors and a helicopter evacuation point. Various restrictions have been ordered, including on hunting, hiking, holding “giant apéros”, camping, and parking along roads. 

However, Le Figaro said this excitement is probably “for nothing” because so far hardly anyone else has turned up. 

It said the expected floods of people have not materialised though a handful of “cranks” who have made the trip are thrilled to be receiving so much attention from the film crews on Bugarach’s streets. 

One man, calling himself “Oriana”, told journalists the coming apocalypse would not be “the end of the world”, but would be “a revelation, an internal alchemy that will descend into each of our bodies – like 1,000 orgasms in one go.” 

It remains to be seen if more people arrive on the day itself. 


Thursday, December 20, 2012

New for 2013

Lovely family villa now available for Summer and longer rentals

Can Chouline - Ceret

For full Rental listings please visit Ceret Property

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brits abroad - Have a very merry Christmas

Make sure you get your Christmas cheer from Domaine Treloar
as recommended by Ceret Property

Friday, December 07, 2012

Stand your ground over CFE tax bills

READERS with small businesses run under the auto-entrepreneur regime have told us how they have been receiving bills for the business tax CFE - these should not be paid. 

As we report in the December edition of Connexion, people on this simple business system, launched in 2009, are exempt again from the cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) this year. This is the new tax that has replaced the taxe professionnelle and negotiations are continuing as to whether auto-entrepreneurs should pay it. More on this story...

Story supplied by The Connexion

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

All Change,
I am delighted to introduce the New look Ceret Property website. After months of work and technical fun we have a new look site and hope you like it toooo.

Come on in and have a look for yourselves.