Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Armistice Day in Ceret

Have just paid my respects, along with the world to those who fell in the first world war and after, made more poignant by the return of the 6 soldiers just yesterday, who gave their lives.
We started in true Southern French fashion, late, at about 11:30 but what does that matter in the bigger scales of things.
Flowers were laid at the memorial, speeches were made and the band played The Last Post. A group from the local school sang La Marseillaise, the band then followed with their instrumental version.
I was struck by the difference between the services that I have attended in England, where the event is lead by the church, Here (Ceret) there was not a single member of the clergy in attendance. I am not sure why this is the case but it just struck me as different.
All in all it was a respectful and touching service with everyone from 1 - 90+.
I am also grateful to the Town of Ceret, for as the last notes of the Marseillaise faded away, they were replaced by the resounding sound of the British National Anthem.
Wine and nibbles followed in the Salle de Union.
Thank you

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